Friday, August 27, 2010

Friday Favorites

Here's a few things I've been enjoying lately...

--A few weeks ago, I ordered this great map and it arrived bent up. Not good. But the customer service people at Uncommon Goods were awesome and a new, unbent map arrived at my door yesterday. They asked me questions, cared about my feedback and did everything they could to make sure I was a satisfied customer. I will definitely shop with them again. And, how cute is that map?! I love eeBoo things! We have this game and the illustrations are just too darn cute!

--I am loving these cool morning and evenings like nothing else. Gives me hope that fall is on its way. But I really am trying to soak in as much summer goodness as possible. Promise. (But can I just say how badly I want to wear jeans and boots and maybe even a sweater!!) But I love sleeping with my windows open and this week has been perfect for it!

--I had the pleasure of attending Beth Moore's Living Proof Live two weekends ago with a few of my favorite girls. It was a wonderful weekend in every way. We had so much fun together- worshiping, learning, shopping, eating, talking, laughing, praying- it was just so good. Of course, we had to peruse the bookstore they have on site and I picked up a copy of Beth's Jesus: 90 Days with the One and Only . I've only done the first 10 days, but I would already recommend it! They are relatively brief (compared to her usual 5 day/week studies), but deep and meaningful. It's been great motivation to get back into my early morning quiet time.

--Of course we have had a few new recipes recently and two of them are good enough to share. We tried Zucchini Deep Dish Pie and it was great served with a salad on the side. We also had Lemon Orzo Chicken Salad. It was really lemony, but we enjoyed the bright flavor of this light meal. As written, it makes pretty small portions if you're eating it for dinner, but it was full of vegetables, easy to throw together ahead of time and really tasty.

--I've been trying to get up earlier lately and really wishing I was a coffee person (well, beyond my beloved Iced Capps!), but I'm just not. So a few mornings this week I've been trying some tea. Tazo Vanilla Rooibos Tea has hit the spot! I bought some several months ago (in bags, not the loose one this is linked to) and then kind of forgot about it. I've rediscovered it and am loving it! I have loved Rooibos since we lived in Namibia and it was a staple of our diet. I am so glad it's easy to find all over now.

Happy Weekend!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Eyes wide open

Last night I went somewhere I've never gone before. It wasn't for fun or entertainment or even curiosity. But it was eye-opening and left me with a lot of questions.

I've walked around all day unsettled, restless. Thinking too much about things that don't matter and thinking for the first time about things that do. And wondering where I fit in to all of it.

How can I be part of the solution to the problems I've seen?

What does He have for us in this new place of eye-openess?

What is our response? What should it be?

Tonight it's hands open and a heart that is ready to hear.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

a tuesday


-i drew a "tattoo" on my daughter's arm; she thinks i'm cool. (it's haven in chinese characters.)

-i took a walk with a friend and loved every second of the cool morning air. fall is coming.

-i did puzzles with my son and sang him "spider song" the crazy way, just the way he likes it.

-i was grumpy to by husband and he responded with grace.

-i put dinner in the crock-pot and walked away.

-i read this post about adoption and it makes me want to adopt again. (read this blog, daily. you won't regret it.)

-i thought about our crazy fall schedule and decided to be excited about all that's going on rather then stressing about the details. it always works out.

-i crossed items off my to-do list with satisfaction.

-i listened to worship music while going about my work. i need to do this more often.

-i sat on the couch and let the cool breezes blow through the house and thanked God for pleasure in simple things.

-i got to go on an unexpected date with my man. he's good to me.

-i tried to be more aware, more present, more thankful. (key word- tried...)

it was a good day.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Thanks to the ever talented Amber, we were able to capture some great shots of our kids with their cousins last weekend.
Anna (9), Ailey(6) and Haven(4)
Owen (3), Anna, Haven and Ailey
Jon (7) and Ethan (8)
This is what the 2 youngest family members thought of pictures- Grumps!
Levi (18mths) in a sweeter moment
The Big Six huggin' it out
The Babies finding some common ground
And the only picture of all 8 of them! Mati would not sit with the other kids til right before we left so this was as good as it got!

see more here!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Eight is Enough

We had the pleasure last weekend of hosting our annual "Cousins Weekend." Four of our six nieces and nephews all fall in a row in the summer and we decided a few years ago that a fun way to celebrate all their birthdays would be to have them all come to our house for a fun-filled weekend. So our house was just a tad busier then usual with these eight hooligans running around! Honestly, they are all great, well-behaved kids and we had so much fun with them.

How many kids can fit on one small swing set? We got our money's worth on this thing just from how much it was played on this weekend!
We had a camp out complete with mountain pies, s'mores and lots of laughing.
We tried to wear them out on a good long hike, then refueled them at Chick-fil-a.
Legos were one of the favored activities by the boys and Haven received an education in Star Wars from her older cousins. (Seriously- we were walking through Target and she called out, "Look! There's Dark Maul!")
The Big Six trying their hands at some craftiness.

We also hit the playground, took in a movie at the park one night and went to the pool not once, but twice. We played some Wii, read lots of books and so enjoyed being together. A fun weekend all around!