Saturday, June 14, 2008

Date night and beyond

Last night was Date Night and, sad to say, we had a hard time coming up with a plan. We don't get to go out all that often so you'd think we would be full of ideas of what to do on a night out; not so. We did manage to decide that we would do dinner and our only stipulation is that we had to go somewhere that we'd never been. We wound up at a lovely little Italian place that ended up being a delightful choice. We were charmed by the old house turned restaurant and the pleasant atmosphere. Much to our delight, in the midst of working our way through huge bowls of delicious pasta, accordion music started to drift our way. Enter an older (adorable!) Italian gentlemen gently swaying as he played for us. I almost forgot that I was in small-town Ohio as his music transported me to an Italian cafe for a minute. I was already a fan of this new place and the music just set me over the edge.

Our weekend is shaping up to be a good one. We are going to go camping tonight which is going to delight the youngest member of this family. Since we aren't going to be home tomorrow morning Haven and I decided to give Cale his Father's Day presents this morning. She told him the minute he got home yesterday what she got him, so it wasn't all that big of a surprise, but he played along nicely. Haven picked him out a nice new yellow soccer ball so they can play together. (I had to talk her out of the pink one!)

We're off to do some garage sale-ing and then pack up for camp. If last night was any indication of the way our weekend is going to go- we're going to have a great time!

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