Sunday, January 18, 2009

Celebrating me

So the first few days of being 30 have been, in a word, hectic. In another word, wonderful. My birthday was spent with Cale on a lunch date that extended to dinner, a movie, errands and FRIGID temperatures. It was exactly the way I wanted to spend my day and I'm thankful that Cale was able to make it happen. He and Haven gave me several wonderful gifts and we enjoyed a nice evening at home, just the three of us.

My first full day of thirty was not that great. Cale was fighting off a cold, I had to go to the chiropractor two times with in 2 hours and we made a trip to the children's urgent care with Haven concerned that she was battling an infection (she's not). We also had to get ready for the 14 people coming to stay at our house for the weekend and the party Saturday night. I may have cried once or twice. Thankfully the second trip to the chiropractor helped me to stand up straight again and it only took 4 different kinds of adjustments, electro-therapy and a few tears. I am married to the most helpful man alive and he did everything I couldn't do, which was most of the cleaning. We managed to get everything done by 9pm Friday night so we could settle in to watch some Friday Night Lights.

Half of my family arrived late Friday night and they unknowingly brought some stomach virus with them. My brother and his wife and son were all hit with it and were sick all of Saturday. We quarantined them to one couch and were obsessive about Lysol. You don't even want to know how many Lysol wipes we went through and how many loads of laundry we washed. The saddest part is that they had to miss my big party last night. They stayed here and drank ginger ale. Boo.

My party was so much fun! It was great for me to have so many people who care about me all in one place. Cale did a great job organizing food and baking four (!) angel food cakes for everyone. He also kept the kids entertained last night which was no small feat considering their were 17 of them! It was just a fun night and I left the party feeling very loved and very blessed to have such amazing friends. Then I came home and read my cards and cried, and cried. (I've done a lot of crying since I turned 30. Will the trend continue?) Cale and I were completely overwhelmed by the outpouring of support for our adoption and for the kind words shared with us. Wow.

Today I fixed a celebratory lunch for the lot of us because it wasn't just my birthday that we had to celebrate. My oldest brother's birthday was yesterday and my sister-in-law's is tomorrow. January is a busy birthday month in our family! So we ate and opened presents and ate more cake. And now it's quiet. I'm not kidding in the slightest when I tell you that my brothers and their families had to leave in time to get home to watch the Steelers game today. When I came downstairs this morning everyone was all dressed in their best Steelers gear. Made me happy!

We've had a good weekend, one that improved as time passed and I'm so thankful it's not over yet. Cale is off tomorrow so we get another day to recuperate, hang out with friends and plan for the upcoming week. I even get to go out to dinner with a friend and my Bible study group is starting a new study.

Being 30 is pretty great so far.

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