This is my view from the kitchen window. Ain't she pretty?! Haven certainly thinks so and Mati's pretty enamoured himself. Me? I'm in love! It might not be the grandest thing to look at, but don't waste your breath telling us that. In the 10 days that its been part of our family Haven has spent most of her waking time on it. She gets up in the morning and wants to play. She eats her lunch and wants to go swing. She gets up from her quiet time and wants to push Mati on his swing. She wants to run out for a few quick minutes before dinner. Basically she's living on it. Never mind that I've already lost count how many times she's fallen off a swing or run in screaming from some injury. She quickly rebounds after appropriate consideration has been given to her latest boo-boo and is heading back outside for more. I love that she loves it. And I love that I can see her from the kitchen, the living room and my upstairs bedroom. I love that my response to pretty much everything these days can be, "Why don't you go play outside?"
And every one's happy!
1 comment:
I would love to get a swing set for our kids! I remember all the fun I had on mine growing up.
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