Thursday, December 20, 2007

The grocery list

I am up to my ears in lists. I have them for everything that needs to be done, what cookies need to be baked and 4 different grocery lists. I know that sounds crazy, and it is. But there is a good reason. One master list and then a list for each of the three stores that I feel will provide us with the best deals on the necessities to get us through the next week. There is also a good reason that I found myself standing in line at the Super W at 9:45 last night. The reason for that is that I'm crazy.

Actually, I think it was a pretty smart move. I have been dreading going to the grocery store just in general of late. Which is strange for me because it's something I usually enjoy. But the crowds and the disappointment when they don't have what I need have gotten the best of me of late and left me sitting at home wondering if I can make it one more day before I need to go. Unfortunately, I had ingredients for several meals except for one ingredient. Very annoying, but don't worry; we have eaten well this week, even entertaining two nights with meals I scavenged from my pantry. I'm nothing if not resourceful.

(I don't really think this is that true, but it sounded good so I'm leaving it in.)

Where was I? Oh yes, at Super W wondering why I even bother to shop with my child in tow when it is o' so glorious to go by myself and peruse the aisles and double check my list without feeling the least bit rushed. Truth be told, Haven is generally pretty good when we shop, but I had forgotten how delightful it is to go alone. To top it all off, Cale was waiting for me to pull in so he could help unload.

So now I am at least one third of the way prepared for all of our holiday happenings. I got enough to make today a good day to stay home and do some baking. I just made a batch of this toffee for the neighbors and there are two other cookies in process. Haven and I are going to have a fun afternoon!

Only two more grocery stops to go...hopefully!

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