Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

Our holiday weekend was a whirlwind, in the best possible way. Full of family, friends, copious amounts of both food and laughter and thankful hearts. We enjoyed not one, but two delicious Thanksgiving meals and loved being able to gather around the table with our whole family. We shopped til we dropped on Friday (yes- we are those crazy people and we have so much fun doing it!) and got to visit with more family and see friends. Saturday was a day of feasting and we rounded out our time together with what was supposed to be a sleigh ride, but ended up as a wagon ride. We didn't need any snow though! We had a wonderful time out in the woods, hanging out at our little cabin and watching the entertainment provided by our nieces and nephews. It was a wonderful weekend all around!

Our trusty ride through the woods

Some of my favorite girls in the world!

Who let her guide the horses??!

This is what Mati thought of it all!

Our youngest little guy, sweet L

We rushed home Sunday so Haven could participate in her school's Christmas program. She was the star (literally) and we were very proud of her! Not the greatest picture, but you get the idea!

And now it's December!


Amber said...

my word haven looks SO OLD in that pic of her with her cousins! looks like you guys had a wonderful time!

jenny said...

Looks like you guys had a great holiday! And I agree with Amber's comment, Haven does look like she's one of the "big" girls.