Sunday, August 12, 2007

Weekend Relax

Weekends at home with out much going on are wonderful. Even better when you get to share them with friends. The highlights, in no particular order:

-Bowling with Chris and Kristen. I broke 100 which was a miracle since I only had a score of 7 going into the fourth frame. Perhaps it was the THREE strikes I got that helped me out! Cale completely and totally wiped out on his last frame. Laying-on-the-ground-wipe-out! It made the whole night that much better!

-Cheesecake Factory where Cale and I shared some luscious creation with chocolate, coconut, cheesecake, chocolate and caramel. Delightfully shared over conversation with good friends out on the patio.

-A quick trip to the Gap Clearance Center yesterday afternoon. Good deals abounded for all and I even stuck to my guns and did not buy Haven anything for next summer despite the temptation. (She has already all set as I have been stocking up at every clearance sign I have seen in the last few weeks!)

-The chance to be back at Apex and worship together. Being challenged and convicted which will hopefully translate into action.

-Appetizers for dinner, a great movie and more time spent together. A perfect Saturday night!

-An unexpected free evening and thinking about how to best spend it while watching Haven splash around in her pool.

-A long nap taken by my sweet girl that provided Cale and I some great quality time together.

-Finally sitting down and starting my embroidery sampler. I think I might be hooked. And I love this book!

-A great report from the pediatrician on Friday. Our girl is long and lean (and sometimes a mean fighting machine) and wowed the doctor with her non-stopness.

And the week ahead is full of things to look forward to!

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